this week is going to be wild. really busy with school.
heard back from American Illustration;
"We are pleased to inform you that work you submitted to American Illustration 28 has been CHOSEN to appear on TRIBUTE our web gallery at While your image will not appear in the book, it was one of only 200 images from a record-breaking 8,100 submitted to receive at least 2 votes in the student category and is therefore eligible to appear permanently on our website - where over time illustrators build an online portfolio of their AI winning images and where creatives make direct contact with them."
i'm really happy. i'm also invited to the ai/ap 28 party in november. i volunteered at the last one and it was a blast. great food, free drinks, and incredibly talented people.
i will post the images they picked soon. for now, a piece i'm doing for my astronomy class based on an article in Scientific American:
Let There Be Blobs. i was really attracted to the picture of the space blob:

the blob is named Himiko, after an ancient Japanese queen. the scant
information available on the queen is actually really interesting, but basically the blob holds a lot of possibilities for helping cosmologists and astronomers understand how various galaxies form, including our own. so i wanted to make the cluster of pixels to reflect our own universe by putting a face on it that also served as a reference to the queen Himiko.

i wish i painted the squares better.